CBD is the hot new product. It’s in skin care, supplements, tinctures, creams, lotions, coffee, you name it. It appears to be a cure-all for anxiety, depression, pain, neurologic disorders. But what do we know about it and what evidence is there that it is truly effective? More research should be done to really look at effects of long-term use of CBD but the preliminary findings are positive. To learn more about CBD,
To find out more about what CBD can do, click here: the Benefits of CBD
I have decided to carry a topical CBD cream at Holistic PT. I chose a local company, Vail Oil because the product is exceptional, and the creator is an amazing woman. Ramsey Cotter, owner of Vail Oil uses virgin coconut oil as the carrier oil for her CBD. Why coconut oil? Coconut oil has its own healing properties as it is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-viral.
How do I recommend people use it? Topically for pain in muscles or joints. I also recommend it as a personal lubricant or to treat vaginal dryness. It as proven to be an amazing product for good pelvic floor health. Want to learn more about Vail Oil? Click here to read on! One ounce jars are for sale at Holistic PT for $40. Get yours today!