Pelvic Physical Therapy is a specialized form of PT that focuses on, to name a few, pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction and muscular dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles. It also addresses issues like diastasis recti, the splitting of the abdominal wall usually after pregnancy. Pelvic Physical Therapists assess the musculoskeletal system of the pelvic region, abdominal region, lumbo-sacral spine and hips. PT’s examine how musculoskeletal issues can adversely impact people’s daily lives, and treatment is designed to help restore normal function. Pelvic dysfunction, like urinary incontinence can have profound impact on someone’s daily activities. It can keep someone from going out with friends, running errands or participating in community activities due to fear of urinary leakage. With specific muscular work and prescribed exercises, a patient can expect reduced incontinence and return to normal activity participation.
There are three functions of pelvic floor muscles. The first is to provide sexual pleasure, second is to keep you continent and the third is to support the organs of the abdomen. Pelvic floor muscles are part of our core and help to provide some stability through our trunk while performing activities.
Here is a great 3D video of the female reproductive system. Do you or someone you know suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction? Get help! Don’t suffer in silence! There are skilled practitioners ready to help you on your road to recovery. Contact Jenn Lane, PT at Holistic PT to set up an appointment today!